
I'm Ali.

a programmer.

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I'm studying Computer Engineering as third year student at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University.
My focuses are on Web development especially Back-end Development and also
Object-Oriented Programming.
My motivation is solving problems with different ways , different algorithms for improve myself
and find the best solution of the problem.

My Skills


Programming Languages

I started the coding in University and my first Programming Language was Python,I learnt Python with Fundamentals. Then, I learnt all about Java which one of the most important Object Oriented Programming Language. Now, I'm writing code in different languages with different but also useful frameworks. These are PHP, JavaScript, NodeJS, Express Spring, Spring Boot.


Area of Interest

I want to learn all about Back-end Development. That's why, I learned PHP, Java, NodeJS, Spring Boot for developing my back-end skills. Also I interested in the Microservices and containerization platforms like Docker and Kubernetes.

Take A Look At My Project

I love to share my project in Github with their documentations. Let's have a look!

Github Repository

Get In Touch

Let's Meet

I tend to learn all about Backend development, and
I'm looking forward to meet you. Contact with me!

Contact Me
LinkedIn Facebook Instagram Github

© 2020 Ali Marangoz.